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BOS Minutes April 12, 2005
Chichester Board of Selectmen
April 12, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman Colbert, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.


HIGHLIGHTS:  Present was Road Agent, David Kenneally.  Chairman DeBold presented his draft charter for the Road Advisory Committee.  The only change that Mr. Kenneally asked be made was the Road Management Plan, long and short term goals.  He asked that the short term goal be set for  three years and the long term goal be set for eight years.  Everyone was in agreement.  Mr. Kenneally raised a question about what would happen to the plan should he not be re-elected.  The Board of Selectmen stated that the plan would stay the way it was proposed by the Committee.  Mr. Kenneally hopes that the committee will help work out realistic/sensible plans for the roads in Chichester.  It was decided that any major construction that needs to be done will be addressed in a warrant article and any maintenance will come out of the highway’s budget.   Chairman DeBold stated that the charter is a working charter, that changes in the charter can be made.  

The Board and Mr. Kenneally viewed the membership.  Mr. Kenneally thought Police Chief Clarke and Fire Chief Paveglio would not be able to be part of the committee, since they have other obligations. Selectman Colbert thought that Patrolman Eric Krochmal could represent the police department.  Mr. Kenneally said that he did not care who represented the fire department, but wanted someone who has truck experience.  The Board and Mr. Kenneally discussed the residents who were interested in the committee.  A date was selected for the first meeting, April 21, 2005 at 7PM at the Highway Shed.  Chairman DeBold was selected to be the Ex-Officio for the committee.

Selectman Colbert made a Motion to accept the amended charter, the Motion was seconded by Selectman MacCleery, all were in favor.  Motion passed.



Mr. Duford spoke with Patty about his iron property pin that is located on Hilliard Road.  He asked Patty what the process was to have the road moved.  Patty spoke to the Selectmen and they told her to schedule an appointment with Mr. Duford to meet with the Selectmen.

On behalf of Evelyn Pike, Town Clerk/Tax Collector, Patty asked the Selectmen if it would be ok to take a day off in lieu of getting paid for Saturday, April 9,2005.  The Selectmen were in agreement to allow Mrs. Pike have a day off in lieu of being paid for April 9, 2005.

Selectman Colbert questioned the Board about the sign at Gary’s RV, now known as Meyers RV.  He stated that the sign was luminated and he thought that was a change in the sign.  He asked if a site review was given to the Planning Board.  He suggested that the Planning Board be very careful when reviewing plans for signage and lighting.  Chairman DeBold said that he would speak to the Planning Board regarding Gary’s RV.

Chairman DeBold told the Board about a letter that was received from Becky Dickson of the Concord Monitor.  In her letter she was requesting information about businesses that were not in compliance with the lighting ordinance and a list of businesses that were in compliance.  She also wanted to review all correspondences with local businesses.  The Board asked Patty to contact Ms. Dickson and tell he that she is welcome to come down to Town Hall and review the documents.

Also discussed were the impact fees that are due from the Drew property.  The property owned by CG Properties were not aware until recently that the impact fees were not paid.  The Board asked Patty to do some further research regarding possible correspondences to Mr. Drew requesting the impact fees.  The Board would like more time to review this situation.

The Board reviewed a letter sent by Attorney Arthur Perkins, Attorney Perkins is Ms. Ann Fournier’s attorney.  In the letter, he asked the Board to reconsider its present position and to amend the 1992 Agreement.

Selectman Colbert made a Motion: In response to the letter from counsel, for Ann Fournier dated April 5, 2005, the Town should reject their proposal and will not reconsider our present position.  Selectman MacCleery seconded the motion, all were in favor.  Motion passed.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 11:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert